Balancing Thoughts with Actions: A Promising Way Towards Productivity

Sagar Kavaiya
4 min readJan 26, 2022

Having thoughts in mind is not something to shame for when it comes to productivity. Certainly, productivity is a characteristic that employers appreciate and promote. Lots of debate happens on productivity when it comes to the departments like design, research, development, planning, and process. The teams have a finite budget and time in which the unknown and unattempted jobs are to be done. This writing attempts to prioritize the balancing between thoughts and actions. In this article, the three ways of working mode are explained that will figure out the level of productivity.

The first question arises what is productivity, and how do you quantify that?

Let’s say, you know there should be N task completed in time T, but you complete N’, therefore, productivity becomes P = (N’/N)*100 %. Here we are not considering the frequency of it.

For example, N=10, N’=6, therefore P= (6/10)*(100)= 60%.

Want to learn How to prioritize your task?


Way 01: Think Think and Think: Thinking Mode Only [Highly Not Recommended]

Outcome: I have a reasons for not beginning.

The perfectionist does not apply the way 1. More importantly, they are perfect due to the level of iterations they do. Here, by adopting way 1, you lose the chance of iterations. If you think that you would define the perfect way to start, then that can never exist. Productivity happens when you know the consecutive actions for the individual tasks. Here, you put yourself into the zone of thinning only, even you come up with the solutions to cater to the outcome at the end of the day, and you would lose the deadline. Therefore, you are left with the reasons for not beginning the tasks. Surprisingly, the same cycle will be repeated on the next day.

I have reasons for not beginning

Way 02: Action Mode Only — Jump for the sake of completion [Not Recommended]

Outcome: I have a reason for not completing it and don’t know how to complete it.

When you have been assigned a project with a certain deadline, you think, you need to complete it before the deadlines and also wanted time to perform a recheck. Therefore, you don’t need a plan but you crave for the first move. However, this will certainly push your task forward, but if it would in the incorrect direction, at the end of the day, you realized, you have wasted the opportunity to plan and initiate. This looks like, jump into the task for the sake of completion which severely lacks the quality. Therefore, you will have the reason for not completing. Even though it is acceptable that you could not complete but you need to justify the next consecutive step to be followed which you may not know in this case. Therefore, you may have progressed with N-1 tasks out of N, but not a clear vision on how to complete them.

I do not know how to complete

Way 03: Dual Mode: Action — Think — Action / Think — Action — Think [Apply and Witness the Improvement]

Outcome: I have a reason for not completing and I am aware of how to complete it.

This is the finest way that anyone can adopt. Out of your “T” Hours, you define T’ (T’<T) hours for preparation of the strategy. That is also called strategic planning. To come up with the productivity, the total hours of working may be also defined as T= KT’ (0<=K<=1), where K is a factor of equality. This means that, if K=1, you spent the whole time of day preparing the strategy. K=0, defines you are not making any effort even to prepare the strategy. Ideally, the bar of K varies between 0.4 to 0.5 which means that you require almost less than a half time to prepare the strategic planning or slightly more than fifty percent. The productivity happens when the implementation accuracy of the strategic plan crosses more than 90%, which means that, you require slightly less value of K (around 0.3) and implement it with left time. After all, you have the reason for not completing the tasks with the awareness of the further process.

I am aware of how to complete it.


  1. Initially, avoid asking” How should I Do” to others.

Assuming that the assigner is aware of your expertise, He expects the task to be completed by you. In that case, without doing any planner work it can be dangerous to ask anyone “How should you move forward”? This will save the task of ignition of your thoughts by others. When you have plenty of thoughts on which you can work, why should you ask for more thoughts at the beginning? However, the opinion of others matters once you have something to share. This will add up with an active membership in the team.

2. Avoid the help of search engines. Instead of that decide what you need to search.

You are an expert chef who knows how to cook. If you directly ask the search engine, the factor “K” will be increased. However, you can also define, “What to search” first.



Sagar Kavaiya

Researcher | Explorer | A Seeker | Humanitarian | Self taught Coder